Thursday, November 11, 2010

lest we forget

today was a day of remembrance. It caused me to think
We buried my one and only uncle today was i was remembering who he was to me.
Memories took me back to childhood, the ways our families helped one another, the
ways our dads and uncles served in the navy and airforce, the ways they have served me my whole life.
I watched the national remembrance ceremonies. I almost cannot relate to what serving in the military might mean and how the families both past and present, have
coped with their loved ones serving and sacrificing so that we mignt live today to be remembering.
We put poppies on the grave. My dad saluted! It was so touching!
I have spent my 32 career serving families, couples and organizations. I remember sooo many of them. They may not remember me but I do remember them. They rent space in my head and heart and I wonder where they are today and what has become of their lives.
I remember . Good memories. Lots of memories. Painful memories. joyful times and fun memories. Remeber to remember as our memories shape our present experiences, influence our decisions and propel us into the future. Cherish.
Lest we forget

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